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  • Source: Historical Ecology and Landscape Archaeology in Lowland South America . Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology. Unidade: MAE

    Assunto: INDÍGENAS

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    • ABNT

      CORTELETTI, Rafael e LABRADOR, Bruno e BLASIS, Paulo Antonio Dantas de. An Archaeology of Social Jê landscapes at Urubici, Santa Catarina. Historical Ecology and Landscape Archaeology in Lowland South America . Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology. Tradução . Cham: Springer, 2023. . Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 abr. 2024.
    • APA

      Corteletti, R., Labrador, B., & Blasis, P. A. D. de. (2023). An Archaeology of Social Jê landscapes at Urubici, Santa Catarina. In Historical Ecology and Landscape Archaeology in Lowland South America . Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology. Cham: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-32284-6_7
    • NLM

      Corteletti R, Labrador B, Blasis PAD de. An Archaeology of Social Jê landscapes at Urubici, Santa Catarina [Internet]. In: Historical Ecology and Landscape Archaeology in Lowland South America . Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology. Cham: Springer; 2023. [citado 2024 abr. 30 ] Available from:
    • Vancouver

      Corteletti R, Labrador B, Blasis PAD de. An Archaeology of Social Jê landscapes at Urubici, Santa Catarina [Internet]. In: Historical Ecology and Landscape Archaeology in Lowland South America . Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology. Cham: Springer; 2023. [citado 2024 abr. 30 ] Available from:

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